Jersey Shore Aquarium Society



The Jersey Shore Aquarium Society meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Monday of every month at the South Wall Fire Rescue Company 2605 Atlantic Ave. in Manasquan, NJ.
Each meeting typically features an interesting presentation related to tropical fish topics. Our presenters are often professionals in their respective fields or experienced hobbyists.
For more information, Contact Us


  • Monthly Meeting

    Bowl Show

    Summer Picnic

    Aug 12th 2024

    This meeting will start at 7:00

    Our meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. sharp and are held at the South Wall Fire Rescue Company 2605 Atlantic Ave. in Manasquan, NJ.

    Click To open the PDF Lot Control Sheet

    Click To View the Word Lot Control Sheet

  • T-Shirt Design Contest

    Do you have a fun idea for a fishy t-shirt? Enter your design in our t-shirt contest! The winner will receive a 1-year membership and a shirt! You don't need to be a member to enter. Details are in the flyer. Submit by June 10th! Designs must be emailed in jpeg/png to and cc Click here for the requirements
  • Annual Tropical Fish and Dry Goods Fall Auction!

    September 29th, 2024

    Featuring rare and exotic tropical fish, a wide selection of aquatic plants, and free goodies and door prizes all day long! Snacks and refreshments will be available.

    • To be held on Sunday, September 29th, 2024 at the South Wall Fire Rescue Company at 2605 Atlantic Ave. in Manasquan, NJ
    • Hackensack Meridian Children's Hospital Tank Donation

      The Jersey Shore Aquarium Society is honored to have been involved in the donation of an aquarium dedicated to the Hackensack Meridian Children's Hospital @ K Hovnanian's Pediatric Day Stay and Oncology Unit. We hope this beautiful 90 gallon aquarium will offer some enjoyment to the young patients and their families. We would like to thank the hospital staff and the Jersey Shore Aquarium Society volunteers for coming together to make this possible.

      Hospital Tank

    • JSAS Galleries

    • Social Media

      We can be found on the following Social Media platforms

    • Follow Us on Facebook

2024 Speaker List

  • JANUARY - Michael Skurnik - Breeding Bristlenoses
  • FEBRUARY - Robert King - Breeding Clownfish
  • MARCH - Dieter Scholz - Fish Diseases
  • APRIL - Jennifer Bujalski - Fitz's Fish Ponds - Pond Care
  • MAY - Swap Meet
  • JUNE - Kevin Cumberton - Tangled Up in Cichlids - From Wild to Retail
  • JULY - Larry Demmler - Aquascape Live Presentation
  • AUGUST - Picnic/Bowl Show
  • DECEMBER - Holiday Party


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